Start your web search LOCALLY, with - We're trying to encourage Australians to search for their "local" Aussie business websites. And that means providing you with various alternatives to help you "discover" local Australian websites you didn't know about.
Websites which allow you, in particular, to find out even more about your LOCAL area and the businesses there!
So that you can, in turn, give the local guy a chance to get your business!
With, we want to encourage you to START with your local business and suppliers, and give them the FIRST OPPORTUNITY to do business with you!
Particularly in smaller towns/areas across Regional Australia, these local suppliers need your business to stay alive, so it just makes sense!
A thriving local economy is good for everyone in that community. It encourages even more growth in local commerce. In turn, this actually provides you with more choice and helps keep your community vibrant and diverse!
As you can see... there's all sorts of reasons why you should start your web search LOCALLY :)
Website Link : Search Locally with Come On Aussie Internet
Address : PO Box 5081, South Murwillumbah NSW 2484
Click to ==> Find on Google Maps
Phone : 0412082355