Australian and New Zealand Defence Directory is your defence suppliers in Mornington, Victoria. Est. 1974 – Australasia's oldest and most prestigious defence directory. The Australian + New Zealand Defence Directory is the definitive (government endorsed) purchasing guide for the Department of Defence (DoD) in Australia and MoD in New Zealand. The Directory emerged from within (the precursor to) DMO (Defence Materiel Organization) back in 1974. The document is the largest existing source of Australasian defence industry capability and is distributed across DMO, DSTO, DSG, CDG, CIOG, JLC, Forces Command and Base Command in Australia along with MoD Acquisitions, NZDF Capability Branch and NZ Defence Logistics. We also distribute directly into a host of defence industry ‘Primes', large Project Integrators and all relevant SME organizations inc AIDN, the NZDIA, the DTC and ABDIU – all of which we consider strategic partners. 4,000 directories + enhanced web presence + 3,000 CD ROM e-Books produced for the DEU/AMSO all freely provided. Circulation Breakdown 52% Department of Defence (inc. DMO, DSG, DSTO, JLC & CIOG) & NZMoD, NZDF & ADF, 32% Australian Defence Industry ‘Primes' and Project Integrators. 9% Overseas Defence Industry and DA's. 7% Forces Command and Base Command. We provide service to our customers in the area of Australia, New Zealand, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Canberra, Christchurch, Wellington, and Auckland.
Website Link : Australian and New Zealand Defence Directory
Address : 8/216 Main St, Mornington VIC 3931
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Phone : 03-9708-2229